Hulscher N, Alexander P E., Amerling R, Gessling H, Hodkinson R, Makis W et al. A Systematic Review Of Autopsy Findings In Deaths After COVID-19 Vaccination. Science, Public Health Policy and the Law. 2024 Nov 17; v5.2019-2024
BREAKING NEWS – Twice-Censored Landmark COVID-19 Vaccine Autopsy Study Republished
After enduring relentless censorship by Preprints with the Lancet and Forensic Science International (Elsevier), our systematic review linking COVID-19 vaccines to death is now available for the…
BREAKING NEWS: Most CENSORED paper on EARTH – The Lancet-Censored "SUDDEN DEATH" COVID-19 Vaccine Autopsy Paper has been peer reviewed an published!!
It has been two years now, with unprecedented censorship from Lancet and another Elsevier Journal which pulled this paper at the…